
Friday, July 2, 2010


training . matched . owned Davanie and Jiayue by 21 : 9 . Davanie was good , but JY bueysong go fight for the ball . ohgawd . -,- versus-ed Davanie , 19:19 , will continue next week . got to work hard in bmt ! ((:

nothing much , pe was boring today , no bmt . ): jogged to Indoor Sports Hall , the boys kanchong go run fast fast thr , like they never ran before like that . reached , everyone -most , except for people who've been thr before- was excited like what fuck when they saw the interior , like ,  retarded k ! ;D

iap , drama , someone gave out gas and Mr Rizman was afraid of it , hoho .

lunched w bmt people then played on our own .

p.s. 160cm ; 48kg , pe teacher checked it -wish that most of the weight are from my muscles . x: muscles are hevier than fats k ! but , its like , that's not gonna happen , so , got to cut down on my stomachhh ! ((:

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