
Friday, June 18, 2010

 This' what would happen if two siaokias were to chat on msn :

·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 do hw lurh you , only know how to slack ! 
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 idk got what homework luh !! ;D
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 Since imma your mum , i shall take FULL reponsiblity of you . Now , i order you ; cheryltsm , to ask your fwens about your homework & do them asap ! 
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *scoldscold* xD
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 -ignore everything- 
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *scolds even more* $@$%&(*%*
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 -puts on headponeeeeee- !   
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *takes out headphones & confiscate it* 
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 urghh !! -screams at you- ! ;D
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *lands a slap on you*
  -    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 -run out of hse- ! LOL  ;D
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *slams th door close* + *scolds vulgar* 
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 LOL !!
 3 days later ...
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 O_O imm thinking what tu say .
 *news headline - mum jump down the building after losing daugher* 
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 I wanted you to continue the story !! LOL ! ;D
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 -daughter stay out late every night- !!
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 *mother signs in heaven everyday*
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 -daughter die and went hell-
·$#FF0000♥·$1 ; Ziyi Kisszchelle Van Sparks  ت                             私の赤ちゃんをご /.·$#FFFFFF 说:
 -mother went down to hell to look for daugher-
 >mother & daugher reunited<
-    ` [b][c=#FB9BAA]C[/c][/b][u][i]HER[/u]YL[/i][b] [c=#FB9BAA]![/c][/b] ; [u][c=#FB9BAA]awesome[/c][/u] . 说:
 LOL ! end of this tragic story . :B

Get th story ? Th red one is Cheryl then th other one is me . :D
Okaye , will blog later , homework now ! (:


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