
Monday, June 21, 2010

But everything we have is stuck in the moment , and there's nothing my heart can do .

took new spects today , looked weird in it & feels dizzy . x: hmm , doing history project and blogging at the same time , guai right . <: um , suddenly like justin's songs , since i hated 'baby' . his voice rock ! :B random ! <:

anyway , karate kid-ed yesterday w family , rocked kay ! :3 the china boy acted cool-ly sia , the guailan one . x: reached home at around 12 , washed up and slept . zzz-ed `

today morning , went causeway point to find pohling w pohtin then after that , mrt-ed to marsiling to take spects , dizzy-ed , slurpee-ed and home-d . hisory now , zaijian ! :D

p.s. my english today quite proper , lesser of shortcuts eyh ! ((:
p.ss. tml zoo w family , wish that we can go shop after that , going to scam my parent's money , teehee , jokingjoking . :B

3.41pee-am .

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